(On) Green Dolphin Street

Backing Tracks

Bass & Drums Backing Tracks for On Green Dolphin Street

This set of tracks consists of bass and drums background and works for comping instruments wanting to practice soloing while comping (e.g, pianists, guitarists, vibraphonists).

The tracks start with 8 beats of drums, and then follow the of Green Dolphin Street.

On the head, both at the beginning and on the outro, the feel switches between Latin and swing. The solos are all swing. 

Piano, Bass & Drums Backing Tracks for On Green Dolphin Street

This set of tracks consists of piano, bass and drums background and works for all instrumentalists wanting to practice soloing (e.g, sax, trumpet, trombone).

The tracks start with 8 beats of drums, and then follow the of Green Dolphin Street.

On the head, both at the beginning and on the outro, the feel switches between Latin and swing. The solos are all swing.