Our Love Is Here to Stay

Backing Tracks

Each of these tracks begins with 8 beats of drums and then follow the form of Gershwin’s Our Love Is Here to Stay. If you’re playing the melody, you can play the pickup notes in the 2nd bar of drum intro.

This first set of tracks is designed for comping instruments (piano, guitar, vibes), includes bass and drums only, and works for anyone wanting to practice comping or comping and soloing.

These tracks begin with 8 beats of drums and then follow the form of Gershwin’s Our Love Is Here to Stay. If you’re playing the melody, you can play the pickup notes in the 2nd bar of drum intro.

This set of tracks is designed for soloing instruments, includes piano comping, bass and drums, and works for anyone wanting to practice soloing.

These tracks provide the melody and a solo sample for Gershwin’s Our Love Is Here to Stay.

Use the slower track for transcription work; it will make it easier to hear the notes and rhythms.